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Personally, I’m not a huge fan of dry cleaning. When you’re traveling, it’s hard to stay in one place long enough to guarantee you can get it dry cleaned before you need to leave, and it costs more money than I want to spend on laundry. If you absolutely HAVE to do it, you also then must remember where you dropped it off, and to pick it up when it’s done. I dropped off a bridesmaid dress from a destination wedding that I was supposed to wear to the in town reception, and once the bride decided we didn’t need to wear it again, I promptly forgot about ever picking it up. Literally, just got a call 2 weeks ago that they were still holding it for me. 7 MONTHS LATER. Thus, I avoid buying clothes that require dry cleaning.
However, I accidentally bought this skirt at Goodwill for $5 a few weeks ago, for a training class.
Initially, I figured I would just wear the skirt for the few days of training and turn it back over to Goodwill.
Bad news though, turns out I REALLY like the skirt.
I sort of tabled the idea of what to do with the skirt, until one day when I was wandering the laundry aisle of a big box retailer, trying to solve a different problem (wings and a white shirt, anyone?), and came across this nifty Woolite At Home Dry Clean Kit
For a mere $9, I was willing to give it a shot since, since one trip to the dry cleaner usually runs about $5. How bad could it be? (I did have slight fear of ruining the hotel dryer, setting off the fire alarm, and being on the hook for the damages, so really the outcome of the skirt was the least of my fears.)
You can use the Woolite towelette in the packet to treat individual stains, or you can use the Out stain packets also contained in the box. I didn’t have any particular stains to treat, as the skirt is black, and since there are only 3 stain packets I didn’t want to use one unnecessarily. The instructions were pretty simple, if you’re not treating stains, throw the towelette and your dry cleaning items (up to 5) in the dryer on medium heat for 20 minutes, and remove as soon as the time is up to prevent wrinkles.
2o minutes later, I retrieved my skirt from the dryer, both the skirt and dryer still in tact. In my opinion, this is a great product to use for dry cleaning on the road, and would be great to use at home as well. It has taken a little bit of my fear out of owning dry clean only pieces. It did a great job on my skirt, was super simple to use, is incredibly cost effective, and makes my skirt smell like fresh laundry.